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Friday, April 19, 2013

Gone a long while

Hello all, I'm so sorry I haven't posted an update in a long time.  Thanks to everyone that continue to check my blog and have asked if I'm ok.  Recently I made the hard decision to get a divorce.  My life has taken a complete turn on it's head!  I haven't had the desire or inclination to create lately.  I stepped back from my design team work for Peachy Keen Stamps.  Kathy is a wonderful friend and has been very understanding.  I haven't left the team officially, but I'm taking a break for a while until I can get my life back into order!

Anyone that has gotten divorced knows this is a long arduous process.  I can't say for sure when I'll resume posting on a regular basis (or at all).  I do have a triple tier easel card tutorial coming up in June on Splitcoast Stampers so I will be sharing that down the road.  I'm hoping my mojo and desire to create come back.  I miss sharing with all of you!

Thank you to all of the wonderful people who have commented and emailed me their support.  I appreciate all of you.  Thank you for continuing to visit my site even though I haven't posted in a long while.  I hope to be creating and sharing with all of you in the near future!

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Saundra said...

Oh Kim! I am so sorry to read this news! You certainly need the time off as you try to gain some semblance of order. I will be thinking about you and praying for you and your family during this difficult time. ((HUGS)) ~Saundra

andersonshel said...


Huggs to you from a sister stamper.

We miss your posts and your creative genius, but we TOTALLY understand.

I have been in your shoes and know that it is an insane time in your life.

Know that we are thinking about you and that we will be here when you are feeling better and life has calmed down and you emerge on the other side and new and better Kim.

Inky huggs and lots of support

Shel Anderson

Glora said...

I have been wondering where you have been but didn't want to be nosy. I'm so sorry that you are going through such a hard time. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers! HUGEST of HUGS! - Glora

Karen Hasheck said...

So sorry to hear how hard life has been for you lately. I can only share from having been through it, life will get better and creativity will again bring you joy. I loved seeing your ideas and also your links to others and wish you nothing but the best.

Unknown said...

I am so sorry that you have to go through this, take care of yourself!

Mary said...

Glad to hear that you are fine, sorry to hear of your divorce. Hope things get better in the near future for you too.

cindy said...

Good Luck to you and God Bless!! Divorce is a very hard thing to go through. Always remember that there are a lot of us out here that have had the experience. My children and my friends are what got me through. You can do it!!!! Cindy W.

Jackie T said...

sometimes the things we find rewarding can offer a refuge. know that it is hoped that life returns to something resembling normal soon.

Sharon Madsen said...

Sorry to hear this. HOpe that your life gets back to making you happy very soon!

Anonymous said...

So sorry that you are experiencing such pain in your life. I sent this quote to my sister, and other women going through divorces, and they liked it:
"It takes a really great husband to be better than none". Take all the time you need to heal, we'll be waiting for you....

Vonnie said...

I follow your post and have missed it soooooooooooo much. I love when you post the nice cards others have made.
I feel for you during this rough time in your life. It is never easy to close a chapter in your life. I have also shared in this experience and totally you are coming from.
It may sound silly but getting back into some of your old routines might be the best medicines.
Hang in there and I know there are tons ofus out there that miss you and care about you!
I wish you the best!!!

Terstamper said...

So sorry to hear about situation. I hope you are able to find some inner strength and comfort during this difficult time.

Ter ;)

Theresa said...

I have missed your posts. Thanks for letting us know. I know it is hard, but think of it as a new life with new adventures. Wishing you all the best.

Dolly said...

Hang in there, sending prayers and best wishes, you have many who care, don't for get us, we all need each other, you touch so many.....

KathyJ Peachy Keen Stamps said...

AWW... Kim... WE MISS YOU TOO!! Try clicking your heels as you turn three times ... saying.. "there's no place like mojo, there's no place like mojo, there's no place like mojo!"
Hang in there! :) Love, Kathy

Anonymous said...

So so sorry about your situation. Good luck. Hope the stress is over soon.

Unknown said...

Thoughts and prayers are with you. Take your time and heal.

Anonymous said...

God bless you, remember, one day at a time.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear you are experiencing difficult times in your life. These things take a huge emotional toll, and everything else takes a back seat. You are in survival mode. Take all the time you need to deal with it, because if you don't, it will come back later to be dealt with. Since creating comes from within, and all your energy is diverted, everyone understands. Although you can feel like you won't create again, in it's time, you will rediscover this important facet of who you are.

Anonymous said...

You take care and wishing you the best of luck.All will be fine and work out for the best.
Love and Hugs.

Rickie Cate said...

I am so sorry to hear of your divorce. I know the pain you must be going through. I will be praying for you and this new part of your life will be an easy and less painful.

TerryH said...

You are a strong women and you will get through this. Keep your head up high and you will be alright! Love your blog and have missed you - one day, soon, your mojo will be back!

vdoyle8 said...

Best of luck to you-- I hope things get better & more peaceful for you and that you can take solace once again in creative outlets. Prayers for you!

Helen Dooley said...

Life takes us on many many turns, Were all here for you, hold on, the sun will shine again. Wishing you the best-

CarrollAnn (~CA~) said...

I sure understand and empathize with you! It will take some time to sort through it all, but creating cards and other projects has been a great stress reliever for me. It helps stave off the depression, too. God bless you and keep you in His tender care.

Weezie said...

Wishing you the best.

Melissa said...

I do miss you. Change is sometimes very difficult. Take care!

Unknown said...

One day at a time did it for me Kim! xxx

Traci Davis said...

So sorry you are going through a rough time. I hope you see better days soon!

Danièle said...

De France, je vous souhaite beaucoup de courage dans cette épreuve très difficile !

Anonymous said...

Prayers to you. Take care of yourself.

Anonymous said...

I will keep you in my prayers. I know how difficult this time is from my own experience. Take care of yourself. ~Pam

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting, I was wondering but didn't want to pry. I'm glad you are ok. I miss your inspiration. I'm hoping that everything in your life will reflect what a wonderful person you are again..very soon. Thanks for sharing your creativity.

Anonymous said...

Wishing you all the best. Hopefully, you will feel that it is a door opening as one closes. We definitely miss your posts.

Valerie said...

Although I do not know you personally, I am very sorry to hear that you are going through a tough time with your divorce. I can not imagine how every aspect of your life must be affected. Hang on and pray for peace and strength and courage and take each day one at a time. Do what is best for yourself right now.
Blessing and prayers,
Valerie Martin

Anonymous said...

I miss you too but you have to take care of yourself first. I certainly will look forward to your return and hopefully you'll be back soon.

Linda said...

Take your time to get your life back in order, you will find time to craft at a later date. You are in my thoughts and prayers, and you will survive this ordeal. Just take really good care of yourself right now. We will all be here when you get back to crafting again. God bless you and give you peace with your decision. Many of us out here have been in your shoes, so please take time for yourself.

Jacky said...

I wish you the very best and hope you will be back. But having been through it, I completely understand. Take care of yourself! Hugs!!

Sharon G said...

Dearest Kim,
I have been through a divorce (I feel your pain) and then went through the death of my
2nd husband 17 years ago. I didn't think I'd ever be the same, and I'm NOT!
I didn't create a single thing for a very long time, and I've been a crafter since I was a little girl, but please trust me when I say . . . the desires do come back in time, I now find it to be my saving grace!
Keep the Faith, be kind to yourself, and don't do anything you don't want to do! Don't let anyone decide for you when it's time to move on . . . YOU will know when it's right!!!
You will be in my thoughts and prayers, and no worries about not sharing anything with us, you have already shared a lifetime of great ideas for us to enjoy!!!
HUGS to you,

TLady said...

So sorry to hear of your troubles Kim! I'll be praying for you!!!!!!!!!

Sherry said...

So sorry to hear about what you're going through. I will keep you in my prayers. I have missed getting your email and seeing all the great ideas you find.
God Bless

beverly said...

Don't let your divorce affect your great talent. I've been there and understand what you're going through. Staying busy helps alot by quieting your mind of depressing thoughts. I have been married to 2nd man for 28 wonderful yrs. God lead me in the right direction, but I didn't think that at the time of my divorce. You will survive. Blessings to a great NEW life.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about what is happening in your life...know that you are in our thoughts and prayers and we miss your help.

Cindy said...

Hi...So sorry to hear that. Been there, done that so I completely understand. Take care and hope to see you blogging again when you are up to it.

Cher said...

Praying for you.

Unknown said...

Gods blessings to you during this difficult time!

littlebitoftoto said...

So sorry for the life change. Prayers and good wishes going out to you, knowing that you are a strong woman and will come out of this a better woman. Know that we will be here waiting when you decide to post again. hugs.

Anonymous said...

Glad to know that your health is not the issue. So sorry that your life is so stressful right now. I'm sure you thought long and hard before reaching the decision to move in the direction you are going. Have faith and trust in your decision and know that you are loved and admired. I hope that it won't be long before you are back creating wonderful paper art. Art soothes the soul. Much fondness. Gail

Carole said...

You have been definitely missed! Good luck! <3(o:

Carole said...

You have been definitely missed. Good luck! <3 (o:

MJ said...

So sorry for all you are dealing with. I have been there and know it stinks. Hope you are feeling crafty soon, you know what they say it is great therapy!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim,
So sorry to hear about your divorce. I will tell you that
you will get your ability to create again, but keep on doing even small things of creativity and don't give up
EVER! I was encouraged by my artist cousin when I was going through emotional upheaval, believe me it will take a while but you will come back to be even better!
Never!Never! lose faith.
I went through a divorce so I know.

Ria`s Winkeltje said...

Hi Kim,
I miss your blog posts but I understand that you do not currently thinking.
I wish you much strength in the near future.
Kind regards
Ria Reijn

Unknown said...

I missed you. I am sorry about what you are going through, been there, done that, and yes, it does take a while to find yourself, but i know that you will do it, your a strong woman

Unknown said...

Kim, I am so sorry to hear about the divorce, but I believe sometimes it is for the best. I divorced several years ago. One of the hardest things I ever had to do, but you just know when it is time! I lost my mojo for a long time, give yourself time. It will come back! You are extreamly talented for it not too! I love all your designs, and look forward to your return. You have been sorely missed! Until then please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers! God Bless and keep you! Jodie

Bandon, Oregon said...

I popped over the other day to check in and when I didn't see anything... I prayed for whatever was going on... I'm so sorry.... Hope everything will be better for you soon.... Hang in there. I appreciate everything you do...


Lynda said...

Thinking of you Kim. Having been where you are...know that there is light on the other side of the darkness you are in at the moment. You will find who your TRUE friends are. Keep them close and lean on them. You are strong. Go one day at a time. ooxx

Dawn said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your divorce--I'm thinking of you as your work through it! Not fun. I am glad for the update as I was getting worried about you....take care! Dawn (a stalker of your blog)

De Jewell said...

Will keep you in my prayers - stay strong and know that things do get easier... Hugs, Dorothy

Mary Frances said...

Thinking of you during this difficult time and wishing the best for you! I hope to see you back as I have enjoyed your blog for quite awhile. Take care!

Anonymous said...

Im so sorry this is a very hard road to bear. My hisband and I almost did the same thing. He meet a women online and I found out about it and that same day he ran to her that nignt.. Stayed with her for eight days I tbought I was going to die. He would talk to me or the kids for five days. So I can feel your pain. We have been have problems for a long time and things just came to a head. But yes I took him back I know crazy me 28 1/2 yrs is a long time. I dont know if we will make it but we are trying very hard. So if u need someone to talk im hear for you.
Hugs take care of you, you lots friends let them help you Debbie

Anonymous said...

I am so very sorry....I know the truma and pain of what a divorce can do.......Just remember you are not alone.....God bless you....


Anonymous said...

I know what you are going through, been there, done that. Wishing you the best as you work through this.

jperr said...

My Prayers are with you are this tough time in your life.Sometimes divorce is the only answer,please don't be hard on yourself.
Blessing's Jocelan

rhandi DeMars said...

prayers for you and your family. It's always a very tough decision no matter what. We will miss you but the important thing is to take of yourself.

Tina said...

I hope everything gets better for you very soon.


Julia B said...

So sorry to hear your news. I'll keep you in my prayers.

Ann G. said...

Good luck with everything, no doubt later on your artistic talents will help in the healing process, be gentle with yourself

Sue from Oregon said...

Hugs to you Kim! I have been there.

Ms said...

Lynn, I'm so sorry about the divorce but you have to do what you have to do. It's one of the most difficult things one has to do....voice of experience here....but for me it was truly the best thing.

Just know we all miss you and will be here for you when or if you decide to return...

Good luck... it takes a lot of strength but I think you have it.

Big hugs

MCH said...

Kim, just take care of yourself. This is a hard time but it will pass, and you'll just be stronger for it.

Cindy Beland said...

I am sending you BIG HUGS Kim!!! I went through this and it takes time, thoughts and prayers are going to you!!!

Debby Pannell said...

Thanks for sharing what is happening in your life. It's not always easy to do so. Sorry for what you're going through. My BFF is going through a divorce and it was the hardest decision she made. She questioned her decision for months because of the kids but the papers have been signed and she is her happy self again. I hope once everything gets settled and finalized for you that you'll find your happiness and will start creating again. Take care of yourself and know you're in our prayers.
TTFN from a follower.

slbt17 said...

never fun - thoughts and prayers are with you.

Eileen said...

So sorry to hear that but pray you have continued strength as you journey through this tough decision. You are missed!

Whimcees said...


I am so happy to see your post - sad to hear of the life change. Hang in there my friend - it is difficult but you will survive, to go on to a better life. I am keeping you in my prayers and look forward to again seeing your posts sharing your wonderful talent. Take care. Wishing you all good things.


Barbara Diane

Emily said...

Sending hugs...
I have made the same hard decision in the past and can say that whilst going through it was the toughest thing at the time I am a much better person for it now and you will be too.

I hope in time you find the will to craft again as it is such a lovely way to heal and you have talent that needs to be shared.

much love E x

Carol Lucas said...

Hugs to you! I went through a divorce myself, and it was the hardest thing I ever did. Try to take care of yourself in the mean time. Will look forward to your blog when you are feeling better. (I started stamping when I was going through mine and it did help.)

patti said...

I have been down that road,there is light at the other end just give it time!

farnorthstamper said...

Kim, I too can really relate. Mine has been a 4 and 1/2 year process and the end is actually this coming Wed. when our court date is scheduled. I too haven't stamped in a long time, and I finally dropped SU this fall, after being in it since '98. It has been a long haul, but God has really helped me through it all. One of my goals has been to become better, not bitter. Today on the radio I heard the song "Nothing is Wasted" and it really spoke to me. ( Prayers of other women have been so essential. And it sounds like many here will be praying for you, as will I.
God bless,
Bonnie S

Anonymous said...

Take the time you need Kim, everyone understands. As they say - "Time Will Heal". Just so you know, we all miss you, and when you're ready to post again - we will all be glad you are back. Take care of you! (Hugs)

scrapfancy said...

May your time of healing be quit and your heart will heal fast. You very talented and a lovely person.Stephanie S.

Mary said...

I had been wondering where you were as I missed your posts. I will keep you in my prayers and hope things get better for you fast. Sending hugs and good thoughts your way!

Janice W. said...

Hi Kim, I have been wondering where you have been. I am so sorry you are going through this. You will be in my thought and prayers. Do take care of yourself. Hugs, Janice

Mary Roberson said...

I'm sorry to hear you are going through a tough time right now. Hopefully, this will be the beginning of a new path in your life. Divorce is difficult, but it can be very liberating too. Can't wait til you get your MoJo back~I love your designs!

Pansy said...

Hang in there...It will take time but you will recover.....Thoughts are with you.

Anonymous said...

My heart and prayers go out to you. Someone once told me that it takes awhile to grieve. When I asked in what why they said it is "the death of a marriage and just as hard to grieve". Having just gone through the death, I pray for you. Things will get better

C. M. Taylor said...

Wishing you well and hope you can return soon. They don't call this therapy for nothing!
All the best

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about your divorce and I know from experience how hard it is and how you feel about 'losing your mojo'. Rest assured, it will come back. Take care of yourself.

Rae said...

Thank you for letting us know why you have been absent from the blog. Sorry to hear about what you are going through. My thoughts are with you. Take care.

Rene from OZ x said...

Hi Kim, yes it is a stressful time and there will be light at the end of the tunnel and you will be thankful you did it. Take care,
Rene xo

Lynda said...

Know you are missed....hope life works out for you.

Carol said...

I totally understand what you're going through. I will continue to check your blog to see if you have posted. God bless you!

Brenda Quintana said...

Kim, I'm sorry to hear about all that you are going through. I hope that once you have gotten through the worst of it your crafting mojo will come back. Just know that we miss you and wish you well. HUGS!!!!

Rene from OZ x said...

Still thinking off you Kim, keep your chin up.
Rene from OZ xo

Whimcees said...


I am checking periodically to see if you are back and am keeping you in my prayers that all is well with you during this difficult time. Take care.


Barbara Diane

Audrey Cooper said...

Hello Kim, I am sad to hear about your news. Having been there myself, I can totally understand the place you are in now. I never thought I would smile again but I did and you will too. I am happy to wait till you post more wonderful projects. You are the best and you deserve the best. Never stop believing in you.

Whimcees said...

Hello again!

It is so nice to see your tutorial today on Splitcoaststampers! I am looking forward to seeing you posting again on your blog! I hope that all is well with you. Wishing you a happy day today!


Barbara Diane


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