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Paper Punch Addict

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Punch Inspiration 12/25/12

Merry Christmas everyone!   Hope you all had a chance to spend time with your friends and family during the holidays.  This year I got to host dinner in my new home.  It was great to have a house full of people for the first time.  And my stuffing was a hit!  

I'm going to miss sharing all of the great holiday projects but looking forward to sharing all of the cute valentines and easter projects over the next few months.

Penguin Love

Triple Hearts

Valentine Tree

Valentine hearts

3-D Projects:
Valentine Owl

Valentine Treats

Candy Heart Jars

Big Shot Project


TLady said...

LOOOOOOOOOOVE the Valentine Owl Kim!!!!!!!!!! :)

Sherry said...

Thanks for all the great ideas again. Of course, your email was the first I opened. Now to go and see what my family had to say. LOL


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