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Paper Punch Addict

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Punch Inspiration 5/29/12

Good morning all, I hope you enjoyed the extended holiday weekend.  I unpacked, cleaned and organized my craft room.  I was aching to use it and stuff was stacked up all over.  I'm happy to say that 99% of it is all in place and I'm ready to create.  Good thing since I have lots coming up this month.  The new Peachy Keen stamps of the month are coming out this weekend and you are going to flip when you see them!  I'll be doing some catch up projects in June for Peachy Keen, Inspired by Stamping and My Creative Time.  PLUS I want to share some punch art which I haven't done in quite some time.  Lots of fun so stay tuned!

As a reminder, for the summer months, I will be paring back my inspiration posts.  There is less out on the web to find in the summer months and rather than spend hours looking for quality ideas, I thought it would be better spent actually creating my own projects!

Birthday Bird

Wish Big

Many Thanks

3-D Projects:
Pillow Box Graduate Owl

Drink Topper

Pinwheel Treat Box


TLady said...

GREAT FINDS!!!!!! Can't wait to see what you come up for us this summer! :)

Carol Carriveau said...

Thanks for all that you do for us...will continue to see the Summer Shares as you find them. Happy for you that you are finally in your new stamp room - have a blast playing!


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