Paper Punch Addiction Pinterest

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Paper Punch Addict

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Punch Inspiration 5/16/12

Baby Shower Monkey

Altering Decorative Label Punch tutorial

Graduation Time

It's A Boy

White on White Lattice

3-D Projects:
Birdhouse Box tutorial

Flower Pot Gift idea

Disney Punch Art


Ilene B. said...

Thank you for

Ilene B. said...

Thank you for all the time you put into this!

chantal said...

Merci, pour le temps passé à rechercher des inspirations et à nous les communiquer.
Reposez-vous un peu.

Becky Green said...

WHAT an ADORABLE monkey!!!!!!!! AND the flower pot idea is FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!! WOW! GREAT FINDS today! (Hope you got some time to relax!!!! ) :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you Kim for a fab selection of interesting items. I don't know how you do it.

Mary Mac

Unknown said...

Thank you for featuring my Disney characters! You are such a sweet heart for sharing my work and I always feel so honored when you do. I feel for you with all that is on your plate right now, and I do wonder how you keep up with it all. Sometimes we have to take time for ourselves too and that is totally necessary. I wish I was close by and I would help you unpack or at least help you get your scrap space set up. Hang in there!
Sharon White


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