Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Punch Inspiration 1/10/12

Hi all, sorry that the past few days, my html wasn't working right so the links weren't opening in a separate window.  I fixed the problem so you should resume seeing links open in a new window.  Thanks for your patience.  Blogger is a fickle beast.

Ship Diorama

Textured Cupcake

Playing Around

Framelit Birthday

With All My Heart

Simple I Love You

3-D Project:
I Love You Treat Box

Video of the day:
Mini Hand Sanitizer Holder


  1. lol.... I agree about the fickle beast.. Thanx again for the wonderful ideas....

  2. Nice posts the last several days. Thanks, Kim! I always look, but am so tired lately I don't always post a comment. Sorry! I do appreciate the time you take to make these cards and projects available to everyone who reads your blog! Big Hugs!!


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