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Paper Punch Addict

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Punch Inspiration 11/17/11

Hi All, sorry I don't have as many links today.  I've been working 12 hour days at my full-time job for the past 2 weeks and I unfortunately don't have a lot of extra time to surf the net and find great ideas for you all!

Spicey Cupcake

Happy Thanksgiving

Finest Flourish

Love Penguin

Fall Bird

3-D Projects:
Turkey Owls in a Tree


Anonymous said...

wow- 12 hour days and you still do as much as you do? do you ever sleep? Thanks for all the great ideas you share and never a need to apologize.

Karen H.

Bandon, Oregon said...

Hope you don't get run down and get sick. Take care of yourself. I'm so thankful that you take the time to post anything. Thanks for all the searching, posting, sharing...


JoAnn Beachler said...

You deserve some time to rest with those work hours. Thanks for all the work you do on this site. JoAnn

Beanner said...

Hi Kim
I would like to thank you for your time looking for inspiration and post them.
I have done many of projects that you have posted.
Thank's once again and have a nice Thanksgiving

Becky Jo said...

Kim, I don't know where you find the time to post these projects! After working 12 hour days you should be resting or spending time with your family! I know I would not be upset if you didn't post projects everyday and I'm sure others wouldn't be either. I wish I had half your energy!!!! Have a great weekend and a Happy Thanksgiving for next week. Hope you take some "me" time for rest and relaxation. All that said - THANKS for the post today! Big Hugs!!


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