Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Update and Thank You

Thank you to everyone that emailed or commented on my Tuesday post.  The surgery went well and I am feeling much better today.  I have some pain in the largest incision site because my Gallbladder was pulled through my abdominal muscle.  If feels like I did 1000 situps yesterday.  I was worried about having upper shoulder and neck pain as they had warned I might have but so far it has been ok with just mild tension around my neck.

I'm taking the rest of the week off to recover and hopefully will get some projects completed as well.


  1. Glad to hear everything went well, Kim! Get lots of rest this week! Take care! Hugs to you! :)

  2. I'm so pleased all went well Kim. Won't be long before you're back amazing us all with your talent. xxx

  3. Thanks for taking time to give us an update. So glad all went well! I hope the worst is over and you have a speedy recovery!
    Big Hugs,Becky Jo

  4. sorry this is late..........but hope you are feeling better!


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