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Paper Punch Addict

Monday, August 22, 2011

Punch Inspiration 8/22/11

Sorry I didn't have an inspiration post yesterday.  The weekend was so beautiful that I spent a good portion of it outside.  After going for more than year without a cold or allergy flare-up, I also got sick this weekend.  I imagine my body was a little run down from the surgery.  I've forgotten how aggrivating the congestion and runny nose can be! lol

Snowflake Trio

Happy Owls

Showing Kindness

3-D Projects:
Smartie Box

Petite Pocket Hexagon Box

Petite Pocket Star Box

Petite Pocket Triangle box

Petite Pocket Rolled edge basket

Video of the day:
Coffee Birthday Wishes


Becky Jo said...

Sorry to hear that you have allergies, too. I have been having my worst year ever with allergy problems. Spent over a month sleeping in a chair as I couldn't lay down. I was coughing so much I thought I'd die from it! Hope you get to feeling better soon! Thanks for this post today. I especially enjoyed the video on the coffee cup card! Hugs!!


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