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Monday, September 20, 2010

1 Year Blogoversary! - WIN ALL MY TUTORIALS!

Some of you may have noticed a countdown clock at the bottom of my blog.  It is my one year blogoversary!  I can't believe it's been one year.  Time sure flies when you are having fun!  Thank you to all of my loyal readers and customers.  The past year has been a joy to read your wonderful comments and find all of the wonderful punch art inspiration on the net!  Now it's time to celebrate!

How would you like to get a copy of EVERY SINGLE TUTORIAL I HAVE FOR SALE?

Leave a comment on this post and I will pick one random winner from the comments.  If you have already purchased all of my classes, you may gift your win to a friend.  That's $78 worth of tutorials and one of you can be the big winner!  Please note that my comments are set to moderation to avoid spam. There may be a delay for your comment to be approved.  One entry per person, please.  Please be sure to log in a with a profile OR leave your name and email in your comment.  Anonymous comments without this information won't be eligible for the prize!   I will be drawing on the evening of the 23rd.   Thanks!

Good luck!


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GAZ said...

Congratulations on your one year anniversary. Your blog is outstanding and your projects are so creative. Thank you for all the time you put into your blog and sharing with all of us.

Gail said...

Great Ideas, have added you to my blog list. Thanks for doing them.

StampingDani said...

I LOVE your punch art so let me say that this is the best candy you could offer for your Blogoversary! Thank you very much for being so generous!
Dani / Italy

robin.christine said...

NEATO! CONGRATS! One year goes by fast!

Sassy's Ramblin's said...

Happy BLOGOVERSARY Kim! I would love to win the templates...but as the 1st commenter, the chance are far far away! :-) So I will say congrats to the winner!

Hayley said...

Happy 1st Anniversary!!!! Oh I would love the chance to win your tutorials looking at your site, such cute designs for all occasions.

Elaine Wilson said...

You do such amazing work. I would love to win your tutorials! Thanks for the opportunity! Elaine

schnypsel said...

Hi, I am very happy with all your tutorials and inspirations. It would be great if I could get all your tutorials!! Thanks a lot Yvonne

Cass said...

That would be a super duper prize to win! I only found your site about a month ago and I *love* it!
Thanks for all your inspiration/projects, and the links to other people's awesome work too.
Now, to just have time to try them all!

Renee Hill-Downs said...

WoooHooo! I check your blog every day! You are so talented and a great inspration!

Mariejosée Gagnon said...

WOW!!! It's a good idea!!! I love your tutorial!!! Happy Birthday!!

lifesabeach32940 said...

A year?? WOW!! It sounds like a long time, but in some ways I am not surprised. You have provided tons of inspiration to me and many others!! Congratulations on your milestone!! ~ Judy

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on one year anniversary! I always come to your blog for inspiration for punch art and would love to win your tutorials.

Mary Cavalier said...

Let me be the first - congratulations!

Natalie said...

Congratulations on your one year anniversary! I love your blog and I check it everyday! Thanks for all the inspiration!

Unknown said...

Happy blogoversary! Pick me, Pick me! :)

Cari Tomczak said...

I just recently found your blog and am I hooked. You have amazing ideas!! Congrats on one year and many, many more!!

Anonymous said...

Love your blog. I especially appreciate the time you take to do the daily links. Thanks.

Claudia said...

Woo Hoo I'd love to win! What a prize.

Kim said...

Hello! I just recently discovered your blog. Your creations are delightful and I am so looking forward to making them with my 6 1/2 year old grand daughter, a budding crafter.

Unknown said...

Happy Blogaversary!!! what a great gift to give away!!!!

Ramona Michaluk said...

Wow Kim, how did I miss your blog?
Congratulations on your Anniversary - may you have many more and thank you for sharing your amazing talent with us. Just love your punched animals - you've inspired me to get out my punches and start creating!
Ramona (from Australia)

Barb said...

You are amazing!!! I love all your punch art that you do. Thank you for share some of them. I have watched your blog for a long time. I check it out every day!

Stampin With Jan said...

Happy Anniversary Kim! I LOVE you Blog with all your great creations!

Carol said...

Congradulations on your one year anniversary. What a great prize to win! Thanks for all your great projects, and the links to other people's awesome work too!!

Elaine Wilson said...

You work is amazing! I would love to win this! Thanks for the opportunity!

Rhonda Miller said...

Happy Blogoversary. I love visiting your blog and seeing all the great inspiration.

Diane Ross said...

I sure have been enjoying your Blog and all of your great ideas. Happy Blogaversary!

Carleen said...

Happy Blogoversary! I have your blog bookmarked and check it frequently for insipiration. Thank you for sharing your gift with us!

Anonymous said...

Please add my congratulations to the many other that you will be receiving. I've only recently discovered your site, but I have enjoyed it immensely. Thanks so much for sharing your talents with the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Wow how generous of you to offer your tutorials as a prize. Congrats to the lucky winner...

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogaversary! Catchy title! Keep aweing me! Thanks
Mary K

Mary K said...

Keep aweing me. Happy 1rst anniversary.

Anonymous said...

Love your blog. Sorry I haven't been with you for the whole year. But I come everyday to see whats here. Thanks for sharing. I would really love to win.

Whimcees said...


Congratulations! It has been a joy to look at your blog for the past year! Your creations are wonderful - and you have shared so many awesome projects! You are an inspiration! :<)

This is a great opportunity! Thank you!

Wishing you a good week ahead!


Barbara Diane

Glora said...

Awesome prize! Congratulations on your one year and here is to many more :)!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your first year blogoversary. You have the cutest ideas around...I make a point of checking on you every single day.

Thanks also for going out and doing our work by searching for other cute sites and ideas.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Anniversary...
I totally love your blog and stop by everyday...punch art is my favourite form of paper crafting and have been totally inspired by your creations to look at my punches in another way, and in fact add to my collection.
Here's to many more years of blogging...


Lillian Child said...

This is one HUGE giveaway!! Fabulous idea - would love to see one of your tutorials! Pretty new to your blog, but so far all the "punch" inspiration is just amazing! Thanks so much!

PeeJay said...

WOW! on all counts - your blogoversary and the candy! I've been following since the early days. Perhaps not from the very beginning but early on anyway and read every post you make as it comes through Google Reader. I'd love to win this then the challenge would be obtaining all the punches, or as near as possible to the ones used. :0) Thanks for the chance.

Holly / InkPaperStamps said...

Congratulations on your blogoversary, Kim--and here's a toast to all the creativity to come in Year Two!

(LaTonya) Lady and A Laptop said...

Congratulations on your Blog anniversary. this is definitely one of my favorites to check out.

Mary Director said...

Happy Anniversary ... I agree with the others, your blog is amazing. It would be fantastic to win the tutorials. Thank you for doing this for us too.

Kruemel said...

Happy blogoversary to you, happy blogoversary to you, happy blogoversary dear kim, happy blogoversary to youuuuuuu! (Believe me, you are happy to not really hear me singing!LOL)

Thanks for sharing all your talent and for those great classes you make! Oh, and for the chance to win them.

Kathrin aka Kruemel

Stamp with Sandy said...

Congratulations on one year blogging! I enjoy your blog everyday and all of your punch creations and finds. As a matter of fact, I'm using your spider from last year for a demo swap next month. I'm sure once everyone sees the cute spider they will quickly come check out your blog!

Also thanks for the chance to win your wonderful tutorials!



Zoe said...

Love your site, check it everyday. What a great prize lucky person!

Melissa said...

Only one year? Your blog is so polished and well organized I'm surprised that you've only had it for a year. Congratulations on the first of many years to come!

Anonymous said...

Your punch art is the greatest. So many of your projects are very inspiring to me. I have purchased and made the Scarecrow Treat Basket. It turned out so cute. Congratulations on you blog anniversary. I wish you many more anniversaries.

Gail Johnson said...

Congratulations on your one year! I absolutely love your blog. Your punch art is the best I have seen and the tutorials are excellent. Thank you for sharing with all of us!

Sandie said...

I visit your site as often as I receive your blog. Punch art is my thing. Please keep up the work and thanks so much for sharing your ideas

Donna said...

Happy Blogaversary! Hope you have enjoyed this first year and will be blogging for years to come. I know I enjoy reading all your entries. Thanks for all the inspiration!

Joann Griesser said...

WOW! I've noticed your countdown and have been waiting for the day to congratulate you and thank you for all your sharing and inspiration.

Anonymous said...

I love your site and all the great art work. Thanks Toni

Vana63 said...

Happy Blogaversary! I would Luv to win all your tutes, Thanks for the chance!!!

Lauren Y. said...

Happy 1st anniversary!
Thank you for continuous inspiring us with all the cute/creative punch art!
I would love to win the prize! : )

Lauren Y.

CarrollAnn (~CA~) said...

OMGosh!! You know how I love your tutorials!! You are so talented!! Happy anniversary!!!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your Blogaversary! I'm always looking for different ways to use all my punches and dies. Thank you for your wonderful inspiration. I'm so glad that I found your blog.

Susan Whyte said...

Love your punchart and your blog. So much fun.

isabelleS said...

mille et uns mercis
c'est vraiment sympa
j'adôre recevoir tous les jours les news !car que d'idées
bisous isabelle /ibé

Lisa Flynn said...

WOW - what an awesome blog candy! I would LOVE to win - you are SO creative! Congratulations on your anniversary! Keep punchin' and stampin'

Lisa Flynn

Lyngo said...

Congratulations on your anniversary. I have only recently seen punch art cards and am anxious to try my hand at it. I appreciate the ideas on your blog.

Genny said...

Congrats! I just recently found your blog and love our ideas! thanks for the inspiration and creative ideas!


Dawn Horswill said...

Thank you so much for all of your time and talents that you share with all of us! I look forward to your emails everyday!
Congrats on your blog anniversary!
You are the BEST!

Susie W. said...

I enjoy your posts everyday! Congratulations on your 1 year blog anniversary. Keep them coming, I look forward to them everyday!

Linda H said...

Actually we are the ones that should be thanking You. This past year You have given us so much great information! Congrats on Your first Year and here's to many more!!!

Liz said...

Congratulations! I enjoy all your awesome creations. You are amazing with those punches. :) Thank you for sharing and posting some of others inspirations.

Laurie Gibson said...

Congrats on your 1 year anniversary!!! I absolutely love your blog and all of your tutorials! What a generous gift to all of us - free or paid!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your anniversary! Keep up the great ideas!


Nancy Dawson said...

Kim I have followed your blog for a long time and purchased. Thank you for sharing your incredible talent and clever-ness (not sure that's a word) Anyway... Happy Blogoversary! Thank you too for a chance to win your lovely creations.

Pam said...

I cannot thank you enough for all of your wonderful tutorials. I look forward to checking my emails daily to see what you've come up with.

Thanks so much.

Sherri Peters said...

Happy Blogaversary!!! I love your stuff! I want to be like you when I grow up! :)

Julie Robinson said...

I can't believe you have only done this blog for a year- it is amazing!

Linda said...

What an achievement! One year of having a wonderful blog.

Your creativity is amazing.

Thanks so much for sharing your talent.

Vicki said...

I would absolutely be thrilled beyond words. I come to your blog daily sometimes even more. Thanks for sharing so much with us all.
Vicki R

Diana said...

Congratulations on your milestone!!God gave you an incredible talent and ability to share your creations. You are an inspiration!

Debbie Fine said...

would love to have a copie of your punch art. Ienjoy making the wonderful products that you do share with all of us that follow you.
Awsome work love it

Caroline Alexander said...

Congratulations on your anniversary! I'm a fairly new follower -- a friend sent me your way and I'm in continual amazement at your creativity and abilities. I am inspired by what you post and hope to be posting and sharing my ideas very soon. I look forward to your new and next year of ideas!

Diana said...

Congratulations on your milestone!
You have a God given talent and ability to create and share-what a blessing for all your followers.
Thanks you for sharing your amazing creations.

Blossomin' Crystal said...

Cangratulation!!! I just love you blgo. I do not know how you come up such cute punches. Thanj you look forwerd to see more.

paper bag create said...

Amazing creations and wonderful inspiration!!! Thanks so much for sharing. Smiles from Canada. :)

Diane (DeeDee) said...

How nice of you offer all of your tutorials for free. Your punch art is so awesome and I would love to win all of them. Thank you so much for offering this to your blog readers.

Hetty said...

Kim, how wonderful! A year of wonderful art and tutorials. Doesn't a year fly by?! Congratulations and I am waiting to see what the next year wil bring. Thanks for your inspiration.

Chris Bishop said...

OMG this is so AWESOME!! To have a chance to win all of your tutorials!!
You are the greatest for sharing your hard work with all of us. I love your blog. THANK YOU!! HUGS

Anonymous said...

I posted a comment earlier but neglected to leave my google account information.


Cindy said...

Congratulations Kim! You are an awesome person with your blog. Many thanks for all you creativity

Anonymous said...

Kim congratulations on your one year anniversary! What a wonderful prize to give away love your work.


Dorothy said...

Happy 1st anniversary! Thank you for sharing all of your punch art! They have been truely inspiring. (And totally wrecked my pocketbook!) I would love to win all of your tutorials. Best wishes for many more years!


Jean Fitch from jlfstudio said...

Congratulations on the Blogaversary! Quite a milestone and Wow an amazing celebratory offering. I've been enjoying your blog pretty much from the start and troll your archives regularly. So much goodness in one place is truly irresistable!

Hugs and blessings and looking forward to another year ahead.

Jean - jlfstudio at live dot com

Jamie said...

Congrats on your 1 year anniversary. What a great giveaway. I love your blog. jamie

Carolyn Sharkas said...

Holey Moley! I would be thrilled to win just one, but ALL of them? that is a dream come true. Thanks so much for all you do to inspire us, Kim. And congratulations on your blogoversary!

ceashark at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to have your tutorials. I'm new to your site. I enjoy it so much. I'm an assistant preschool teacher & mother of a 3 and 4 year old. All of the tutorials are so cute for the little ones! Thanks for considering me.
Happy Anniversary!
Stacie Bulloch

happyhome43 said...

Winning all of your tutorials would be like winning the lottery! I so enjoy seeing all that you make, you are VERY talented!

Anonymous said...

You do such amazing work. I love to make things with punches. Congratulations on your one year blogoversary! I have been inspired by so many great blogs like yours. Thanks for all you do.


StampDancer said...

Wow! What a generous offer. I love seeing the punch ideas you come up with. You are an inspiration for those of us who love to craft but may lack the "designer gene".

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog. I just love your work and all the links you share with us. Happy Blogoversary! Nancy Powell

Shari Winterstein said...

Congratulations on the one year anniversary of your blog. I sure am glad I found you. Thank you for highlighting my blog on one of your posts. I wait every day to receive your emails and go through each and every link you put up! I found my friend from New Jersey highlighted Annette form Paper, Scissors, Rock! Thanks for your diligence and the inspiration you give to all of us. Another blessing from your house to mine today. :)

Anna said...

Oh wow what an awesome prize...that I would LOVE to win. Congrats on your anniversary.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! I came across it when your T-Slider tutorial came through on Weekly Inkling on SCS. I love the work that you do! Thanks for your inspiration and creativity!


Lisa said...

I LOVE your blog and would love to win your tutorials! How FUN!!!

Teresa Hafso said...

Wow, congrats on the one year. My how the time flies heh! I love your work and the free tutorials would be awesome. Nonetheless I wish you another wonderful, successful year!

Kelli P. said...


Your punch artwork is so creative and fun, I don't know how you do it, but congratulations on reaching your one-year milestone! I look forward to seeing the amazing creations you come up with.


Susan G said...

First, congratulations on your anniversary. I've been visiting on and off for a while and just subscribed recently. You have some wonderful ideas.
Now that is some awesome blog candy! One lucky person will get a real treat--sure hope it's me.

Trish Brunkhart said...

You are so talented and I am so lucky to have found your blog. Happy Blogeversary!! Hope you continue for years to come. Thanks for tempting us with such an awesome prize..
Trish B in KY

Patrice said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! That is a big deal :) I have so enjoyed your blog, you are an amazing artist and very very creative!!!!! Good luck and much success to you in the future!!

Beth Adams said...

Oh my gosh - what a wonderful blog giveaway. I just found your blog last week and am received email updates.

Congratulations on your Blog-a-Versary!

Craftygirl said...

Hip Hip Hooray for you. Happy one year anniversary (the first of many). Just found your blog recently, but love the idea of punch art & would love the tutorials. You are so darn creative with them. Thanks for the chance to win.

mayipadlo said...

Congratulations. May God bring more years and happiness to you and us the happy followers of your blog.. Thanks for your projects and tutorials. Maria S.

Margaret said...

I'm always astounded by the artistic talent you have to take a punch and "see things"--ghosts, yes, but every other kind of creature and thing! I see my oval punch, God bless my punches, love 'em every one, but I just see an ova1. . . ! Thanks for sharing with us, so fun.

Cindy Adachi said...

Wow Kim
I have most of your tutorials I love them. But would really be happy if I had them all!!!

Lisa Davis said...

Congrats on your blog anniversary! I love all of your tutorials, I have the bear/twelve months tutorial. I would love to have all of them. enjoy your day.
Lisa Davis

Judy DiScipio said...

Happy Anniversary Kim!!!! I love all your tutorials! You do such a nice job. Thanks for all you share with us. Hug, Judy :)

wurmple said...

Congrats on 1 year. Thanks for all the great ideas and inspiration. I look forward to seeing what you come up with in the future. Thanks for everything.

Marg said...

What a great prize. I am very new to punch art but I love what everyone does. Congratulations on your anniversary!

juniperbug said...

Congrats on your one year anniversary. I love your blog, it is in my favorites and I visit often. You are very inspiring.
Thank you for sharing with us.

CarlavdM said...

Kim you amaze me time and time again with your wonderful punch art...keep on creating .. and what a nice idea to celebrate your 1st year anniversary.
Greetings from the Netherlands

Barbra said...

Congratulations Kim on your one year blogaversary. What an inspiration you have been to all of us. Looking forward to seeing much more of your art work in the future.

Becky Jo said...

Congratulations! I love your blog and visit every day. Thanks for the chance to win. Hugs!!

Carol said...

Wow!and what a great prize. Thanks for all the ideas you have shared with us. Thanks!! millermarciniak at yahoo dot com.

Sharon D said...

Kim, I just love your blog. Since I have found you it is a must to check in everyday to what you have done and everyone is sending into you. I just love it. I have a few of the punches and working on ordering more. I have been wanting to order some of your project kits. That would be wonderful to win them. Congratulation on on your one year of blogoversary. It sure has made it easy for me to figure some of these designs out. Thank you so much for helping making it so much easier. I know I am going to love it when I get it all together. I have made a few things and sent some of them to my grandson that was in Iraq. He enjoyed them.

Linda said...

Happy Anniversary! Thank you for sharing your wonderful talents with all of us!

Natalie said...

CONGRATS !! I love your blog and the inspiration that I get from it. I have purchased a couple of your tutorials already and would LOVE to have the rest. Again, CONGRATS and keep up the GREAT work !!!

Rene said...

Hi Kim,
I do love all your punch art and thanks for all the sites you find for us. Congrats for your one year anniversary.
Rene from OZ xo

Julie said...

Kim, Congratulations on your first year. I'm a big fan of your work and read your blog regularly. Because of you I've become a better "puncher".

Brigitte said...

Congrats!!! This is a awesome prize. Your tutorial are nice and easy to follow. Thanks
brigitteetleschats at hotmail dot com

Trina Leeson said...

Happy Blogoversary :) Thank you for your inspiration :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on one year! I only recently found your blog and I love, love, love it! You are so talented and I am thankful for all your hard work!


breyman at sbcglobal dot net

aussierob said...

I am just disappointed that it took me so long to find your blog as it is amazing. I have cased a few of your creations and ear marked a few more. Thanks for all the sharing

Laurie said...

Happy Anniversary! I love following your blog, I have tried many of your projects and I am always please with the way they turn out. A chance to win all your tutes is a real treasure.

Beanner said...

Enjoy your blog very much.Keep up the excellent work.Would love to win your tutorial's.I have bought quite a few.

Unknown said...

Happy One year Anniversary!!! What a great year of inspiration it was. I look forward to your blog every day. My best to you!!!

Peggy said...

Oh, Boy, Oh, stuff. ;-) Happy Anniversary to you. I really enjoy your blog. If I win and I am away on vacation, can I still receive the prize? Peggy

Dee Arch said...

Congradulations on one year. I have been an inspiration to me. I have loved punched since I started with stampin up and now I have found others just like me. Thank you.

Sandy said...

Happy Blog-aversary!! Love your blog and I appreciate all the time you take to get the cutest ideas from other bloggers! Thanks!!!!
Sandy in Utah

Tracy said...

Kim, Congrats on your first year. Your tutorials are the best and you're great to share all of your awesome ideas with us!

Kelly said...

Congrats Kim. I love your work! Can wait to see what you come up with next!

Karel Hamilton said...

Congratulations on your blog anniversary. I just came across your blog a few weeks back and just love all of your projects. You are one talented lady!

Linda Casey said...

ABSOLUTELY!!! I love all your creativity!!

Marybeth E. said...

Wow, I would love to win your do such beautiful work.

Anonymous said...

Way to go! I just love your work. I'm hoping I win, maybe to get my mojo back!

Thanks for your generous prize!

nanny23 said...

Congratulations on your one year Blog anniversary. Your blog is outstanding and awesome!


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary. Thanks for all the great ideas and tutorials. I know it is your anniversary, but I would love to win this gift.


Sharon Carr said...

Congrats on your blogaversary! You always surprise and delight me with your ideas! God's blessed you with tremendous talent and I thank you for sharing it with all of us.

Phyllis Freese said...

I became fascinated with punch art and someone highly recommended your blog. I can't thank them enough and you for the inspiration you provide every day in finding such clever punch art posts. Happy anniversary and hope they are many more to come.

Sonia said...

Congrats on your 1 year blogoversary!!!!!! Love all of your creations and look at your blog everyday. WOW on the blog candy, I would love to win!!!
Sonia R

Kathy McD said...

Happy Blogaversary! I so enjoy your art and the chance to win everything is awesome! Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...


Happy one year anniversary! I love your blog and love to look at the inspiration you post daily and the Art you make.

I look forward to seeing more!


Laura said...

Congrats on your anniversary! I love your work. It would be so awesome to win an entire set of your tutorials. Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

Wow that's an awful lot of prizes! What a generous gift - love reading your blog and idea links

Sharri C said...

Congratulations Kim! I love your designs. Here's to another year of creativity. Thanks for sharing your talents.

Sarah P said...

I love your site and all of your great ideas.


Shar W said...

Happy Blogoversary To You!!!! How awesome of you to share all of your tutorials with a lucky winner- I have enjoyed seeing everything you have posted to your blog and have shared with us on the Yahoo Group!

stampershirley said...

Happy Blogaversary ... I love your blog and love my punches - I try to use at least one on each card if possible so get some awesome ideas from your blog! Love your creativity!!!

Barbara said...

Wow!Happy 1 year anniversay! Your ideas are awesome. I check with you everyday and always find something fun and creative. You are such a creative person and I thank you for sharing your creativity with us. It would be amazing to win your tutorials. :O)

Ms said...

Congrat's on the yr blogaversary.... and thank you for the opportunity to possibly win your amazing tutorials...

Deb said...

I enjoy visiting your blog regularly. Your ideas are always so cute!

Andrea said...

wow one year already. Congrats on all your wonderful tutorials. It would be wonderful to win. I love the ones I have bought and would love to complete my collection.

SusieQ62N said...

Happy Blogiversary! I love your blog and have found alot of inspiration within. I'm just a crafter, not much good at the computer stuff, but I do check in on your blog frequently! Thanks for all the inspiration, and more to come (hopefully)

Susie Nichols

Anonymous said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! I love your tutorials! you are so talented thanks for sharing all your creations with all to many more years of creations created by you!
Corrie aka uglybobswife

Unknown said...

Hi Kim
I love your blog and designs. Congrats on your anniversary, and thanks for a chance to win your tutorials

Anonymous said...

hi there! congrats on your wonderful year. you work is amazing and i love how you find ideas dor all of us everyday. i can't imagine how much work that is!! but we all lllllooooovvvveeeee it, so thanks so much:))
i hope im lucky.fingers crossedxxxx
-Misti D.

Monica-FC said...

Lovwe your blog and all the punch art on here. wow!! thank you for everything.

Laura Isham said...

I'm a huge fan of you punch art and have bought several of your tutorials. Congrats on your accomplishment!

coolnana72 said...

Congrats on your one-year anniversary--you are so talented and generous to share your projects with us--

Chris Hawk said...

Congratulations Kim! I'm relatively new to your blog...a few months...but I am so hooked on punch art and it's because I found your blog! Thanks for all the inspiration!
Chris Hawk

Sue from Oregon said...

Oh goodness Congrats!!! I always look forward to your next creations...interesting to see what comes out of the creative brain!

Trina G said...

Love all of your punch art.
WOW 1 year..Keep the punch art coming!!
Thanks for the chance to win a FABULOUS prize!

Ann & the Dog said...

Congrats! Hope you're punching for many more years to come!

Anonymous said...

Love your blog. Great ideas to case. Donna

Sherri Thacker said...

Congrats on your 1 year anniversary! I come here everyday for lots of inspiration! Love it!!

Stacy said...

Happy Anniversary! Thanks for the opportunity to win big!


Linda said...

Absolutely love your blog and find enjoy all of your creations. Congratulations on your milestone. Thanks for the opportunity to win the tutorials!!1 An awesome blog candy prize.

Kayleen said...

Only one year blogging and you create those fantastic cards! I can't thank you enough for sharing your talents. I've had my eye on ordering a number of your tutorials. Thanks so much for the inspiration! Kayleen -

Jody A said...

I visit your blog daily! You are such an inspiration to so many of us paper crafters out here! Congratulations on your anniversary!

Penny Silva in Vegas said...

Wow Kim this would be so great. I case your punch art all the time. I love doing things with my punches. I just don't have as great an imagination you have. I hope I win-------
Penny in Vegas

dolly g said...

wow what r u thinking,,, this is so great,,, would loveto win....
dolly g

Bandon, Oregon said...

Congratulations on your Blogoversary!!!! Oh my Goodness... I would love to win your tutorials!! I have learned soooo much from you and enjoy your daily links... Thanks for a chance to win....


Debby said...

Congrats on the Blog Anniversary! This would be a great gift to win. I love your work and have to get more punches so I can do more of your projects. You are so creative with the punches Kim.
angel hugs

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary! I love your blog. You have so many wonderful projects. Good luck with your second year of a great blog.

Sandy Milnes said...

I know you will have many more, yours is the only blog I read daily. I love it !! Especially your punch art. Thanks for everything you do.

Lynn said...

Happy Anniversary Kim!. Your blog is such an inspiration to me. What a talent and gift you have. I am amazed that you continue to create such innovative projects. Whenever I see your name listed in my email...I always look forward to rushing to your blog to see what your next amazing project is. Thank you for sharing your "gift" with us.
Lynn Leusch

Dreamingcolourfully said...

Congratulations on your blog's first birthday! Looking forward to many many more good years as you share your creative ideas and spread much cheer.

scrapnhawaii said...

happy anniversary!! you are one talented gal! love all your work! what a great candy!!!

Terri said...

Kim, congratulations on your anniversary! Here's to plenty more years of ideas, keep up the wonderful work you do

Njeri said...

this is the best giveaway ever!

Ann G. said...

Wow that's a very full year - your tutorials are amazing.

Karen Lister said...

You never fail to amaze me, with your fantastic designs, and of course shading to make them look so "real". A true inspiration, thank you.

Anonymous said...

WOW! I LOVE your blog! You do the most amazing creations and share them too.

Waipahu CBDO dba Waipahu Community Coalition said...

congratulations on your anniversary! You are an amazing papercrafter and I enjoy your designs and tutorials! Take care and God Bless. May you continue to have much success w/your blog and that your inspiration will be endless!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your anniversary! I love your creations! Thank you for sharing your awesome talent with us!

scrappingdragon said...


thanx for the chance to win, love your art.


Jacqui said...

A year already! Where does the time go?? Thank you so much for your wonderful blog. It is so inspiring and so very creative. I have punched various items and can never come up with the creative little characters you come up with. I have even thrown them up in the air and hope they land "looking" like something!!!
Congrats on your anniversary! Here's to another fun-creatively-filled year!

Usefularts said...

I love your blog and check it almost everyday. Thanks to you this beginning stamper is addicted to punches now! I really enjoy your creativity and sharing. Congratulations on you anniversary and please-please-please draw my name.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Congratulations on the 1 year mark. Time sure does fly when you are having fun!

Sue Alger said...

Congratulations on your blog's one year anniversary. Wow, what a great prize. Your work is very inspirational. You are so creative.

jmviktora said...

I have found so many great ideas on your blog. Thank you for your generous sharing! Congratulations on a very creative blog! Jan

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the anniversary!! I visit your sight almost every day, keep up the imaginative work - we love it!
Oh, and if I happen to be the lucky dog that wins, we're going away for 4 days and won't have access to a computer{oh, horrors}so I won't see your blog again till Sunday the 26th. I will be checking it the second I get home!!

Lynda said...

I want to win...I want to win...I want to win! Congratulations on your amazing year!

Celeste said...

Congrats on your upcoming 1st Year Blogaversary! I love your site and all the cool things you come up with. I love how you scout out punch art for us...saves me sooo much time. HOWEVER have gotten me seriously addicted to punches and my credit card is screaming (Sssh, can you hear it?) LOL! I would love to win your blog prize. It is so generous of you to offer such a great prize. Thank you.

Dawn Edwards said...

Congratulations on your 1 year mark! Winning your tutorials is a fabulous blog candy! Thanks for all your inspiration.

Terri said...

Congratulations on your first year! I love your punch art. :)

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