Tuesday, August 31, 2010

New interactive card coming

Hello all, I just wanted to let you know that I'm working on a new interactive card and hope to have it up on the site tomorrow. This is a new technique that is not on SCS (although I hopefully will be able to contribute this to the resource section in the future).  I'm not going to give it away and just say that I think you all will like it alot!


  1. I can hardly wait, I'm sure we won't be disappointed. Will tune in tomorrow! love your work, tks for sharing!

  2. I could spend a month on here and STILL be only scratching the surface!! Your punched 'stuff' is amazing Kim!! I'm totally fascinated.
    I'm also grateful for that clever tip about putting sticky backed paper around golfing pencils!! Genius!! I was all set to get the bread knife out and start hacking away at ordinary pencils!! LOL


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