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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Minnesota Fair here I come!

I get to go to the fair tomorrow!  I'll bring on some more punchy goodness after I come out of my food induced coma.  Seriously, I think the Minnesota fair is one of the largest fairs in the country and it by far is the biggest bonanza of food in once place that any human could hope to find.  If you can deep fry it and put it on a stick, then they have it.  Nowhere else on earth could you have aligator on a stick, chicken fried bacon, deep fried fruit on a stick, jurassic corndogs, deep fried candybars on a stick and sausage stuffed jalapenos all within a 20 yard radius.  Of course, I always hit my favorites, funnel cakes, fruit smoothies, gizmo sandwich and potato tornado. I'm on the hunt for the elusive scotch egg which is a hard boiled egg wrapped in sausage and deep fried in a corn dog style breading.  Oh, and I gotta try the fresh fruit kabobs dipped in dark chocolate.  I think they'll have to haul me out in a wheelbarrow....

So, I'm back from the fair and I've found a new favorite!  I read on one of the news sites that the food to eat this year is the chocolate, marshmallow and banana grilled sandwich sprinkled with powdered sugar.  It tastes like banana cream pie paired with pastry. YUMMY.  Oh, and I found the scotch eggs over by the horse barns.  It was decent but not as good as I had anticipated.  I didn't get to try the wild rice hamburgers like I had planned but I found a good stand that was selling 32 oz lemonade for only $2 (outside front of the international bazaar).    I took my daughter to the kidway for rides.  Of course, we blew through a sheet of tickets in 15 minutes but there were no lines so that was nice.  It was really hot out there today!  Thankfully the windy conditions helped control the humidity.   Not as crowded as I had anticipated either.  I skipped the cheese curds this year. The greasiness is just too much for my stomach.  I did get my funnel cake and the strawberry smoothy.  As usual, I ate way too much sweets and scrimpted on everything else.  I did manage to avoid drinking a soda all day which is a first!  I brought a water bottle and refilled at the culligan booth a couple times.  If anyone out there is planning on going to the Minnesota fair, you gotta try the grilled chocolate, marshmallow and bananas sandwich!  it's right by the south entrance in front of the Birth Center.


jguyeby said...

Oh I love Scotch Eggs. I was introduced to them when I was a young adult working in a British Pub. I LOVE them. I had forgotten all about them until you brought them up. I'll have to look for some when I hit a big city again.

Nikki said...

i went to the fair friday and LOVED it!! we are in Mn visiting family and couldn't miss being weheeled out after way too much fried food on a stick!! :) the scotch eggs are over by the all-you-can-drink milk tent/barn thing...if you are looking at the barn, it is the street to the left of it-go down that street towards the center of the fair and i think you will find it there. let me know if i remembered correctly! :)

Terri said...

Hi! It was good to see you there yesterday. Boy was it ever hot! I love warm weather but I was ready for air conditioning when I got home. :)


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