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Paper Punch Addict

Friday, February 5, 2010

Woo Hoo

Hello everyone!  Today, I officially hit 500 email subscribers to my blog!  To celebrate, I am going to have a little contest for some special blog candy!  To enter the contest, please leave a comment on this post and tell me what your favorite class is on my blog.  It can be either one of the purchased classes or one of the free tutorials.  I draw on Sunday.  Tonight, I will post a picture of the goodies that the winner will receive.  Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Love the holiday 2009 class...keep them coming!

Anonymous said...

By far the most fave class is the Valentines...Just love those guys. but of course all your tuorotieas are great!

natasha :-)

Donna said...

My favorite is the bears for all seasons. I just love bears. They are so cute and cuddly!

Little Monkeys Craft said...

I just purchased the Bear for All Seasons and love it! I haven't gotten a chance to create any yet. But I know I'll be making lots of cards and scrapbooking pages with these cuties!!!

Anonymous said...

I have to say I love everything you do! I'm so glad you are able to share it all with us! I love the punch tutorial they are so detailed and easy to follow!!!!

Cynthia Duran :0)

Olivia said...

Love the pets, but woodland creatures seem like a close 2nd. Curious about the valentines ones too. Sweet.


Carol said...

Congratulations on reaching this milestone (I am just in the process of creating a blog . . . I hope to have one follower - ha! ha!). My favorite class . . . I have to pick just one???? I guess I would have to say the Bears for all Seasons, only because you have the whole year covered. But I also really like the Loving Lion and the Mousy Mouse! Thanks for sharing your creativity!

Marge said...

The Bear for all seasons is my favorite. I love the April Showers bear with the boots and the umbrella. These details make it so special. Plus, any pattern paper gives it color so you don't have to use what is shown. Good way to use scraps.

Susan said...

My favorite is the Thanksgiving Turkey. So cute and I loved the colors and so did all my friends.

lifesabeach32940 said...

Wow!! That's a hard question ~ because I have fallen in love with ALL of your creations!! :) So far, I've purchased four of your classes, and I'm looking forward to buying them all!! If I had to pick a favorite, I'd have to say it might be the Pets Class, but I really love everything you've made so far. Your projects are AWESOME, and your tutorials are so well written that a crafter at any level can follow them. :)


nanny23 said...

hi there

my favourite class was the baby Jesus, Mary & Joseph.

I love looking ar your blog at least a couple times a week!

Lynn SB

Kimberly Monaghan said...

I think my favorite is your valentine class.....they are all adorable!!

Unknown said...

Congrats on reaxhing your 500 subscribers!! My favorite is the loving lion tutorial. He is so cute

Linda S. said...

I am new to following your blog! I absolutely love it! Your Loving Lion and t-giving turkey are my fav! I am going to purchse your tutorials but can't decide which ones! Maybe all!! :o)
Thanks for sharing your AWESOME talent!!
These will be great for scrapbooking also!!

Chris M said...

To pick the best is really hard. I love the woodland creatures but I also love the holiday 2009. You are so creative that it is hard to pick my favorite. I say that it is a tie.

Keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

My favorite class of yours is the pet class! Love animals! Thanks for the chance to win some blog candy. :) Sandra R.

Anonymous said...

Cogratulations, My favourite Tutorial is the Mary, Joseph nad baby.

Linda Rose

Lisa Pye said...

I accidentally stumbled upon your site and am in complete awe!! I have been stamping for 3 years and have all the punches and never knew the possibilities of what you could do with them, you are awesome! I have made you my #1 site to visit daily.


Unknown said...

So glad I was one of the recent ones to push you to the top. So looking forward to mimicking your creations!

Beanner said...

Hi Kim
congratulation on hitting 500
I have 4 of your classes. I love the valentines it's awsome. Love the elelphant.All the other's are great. Thank 's for sharring your talents

Maria said...

I love them all! If I HAD to choose my favorite, it would be the sweet baby elephant. I'm using hin in my Valentine's Day cards.

Dreena said...

I fell in love with the Fairytale magic punchies! Love them. I can't wait to use them in a scrapbooking project for my daughter!


Richelle said...

Hi Kim..I have purchased all of your tutorials so far and love them all but my fav. has to be the woodland creatures!! I love them as they are soo cute and make great additions to scrapbooking pages esp as the theme for my little babies room is also woodlands theme..Keep up the good work with the tutorials as you are truly inspiring..

Anonymous said...

Congradulations, I love to punch. My favorite class is the bears seasons. I have done many of them for cards and scrapbook pages.Fern

Jamie said...

i would say I think my fav. is your fairy tale magic. Thanks for the chance!!

Unknown said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I LOVE all your punch creations! But my favorite is your Bear of all Seasons. They are just too cute!

Congratulations! and thanks for sharing your punched cuties and talent!


SueBee said...

Love your tutorials, I made the lion and it is sooooo cute! Thanks for sharing your projects.

Michelle Carty said...

I love your Blog!!
You are very talented.
MY favorite to pick just one??
I loved Mary Joseph and baby Jesus!!
I hope you will do a whole nativity scene in the future.
I also look forward to purchasing your valentines set!!
Congrats on the 500 subscribers.

Anonymous said...

I like the teddy bear class. Teddys warm a person's heart with their eyes. Your teddy bears have that same effect with their eyes.

Debra Hensley said...

I really enjoyed the loving lion easel card tutorial. Your so talented! Thanks for sharing and thanks for the opportunity to win some goodies!

Anonymous said...

I love how you us SU treat cups for you valentines. Great job and keep up the awsome job.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on a successful blog. I'm enjoying just marveling at your creativity with the various punches. I've actually tried to duplicate your 'Witchy Treats' with great success and had fun showing it off and giving them to friends. Thanks for make me look good. said...

Congratulations on reaching 500! I'm so blown away by your creativity and talent and love the tutorials you've posted. I don't have a favorite tutorial. I do have a question, though: Have you posted a tutorial to make a puppy (either face only or full body) on your blog?

Liz said...

Congratulations on your first 500! What is my favorite tutorial you asked? I love them all but if I have to choose it will be the pop-up Santa. He's so adorable. I had fun making him. Thank you. Liz

Jamie said...

Your classes are very easy to follow. I like the Loving lion - it is so versatile. Thanks so much for sharing and the chance to win blog candy. Jamie

Donna Little said...

I am actually new to your site and have not seen any classes (yet)! Your work is very inspiring though. =]

Anonymous said...

The Gingerbread punched boy really caught my eye...however, all your punched cards are special!

Laura Isham said...

All of your creations are so so adorable, but my favorite is the pop-up Santa. Adorable. I also look forward to purchasing the fairy tale class. The dragon looks too cute for words in the sneak peek!

Gail Johnson said...

I LOVE the bears! They are by far the cutest I have seen anywhere! I would love to win your blog candy. Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

I love, love everything you create. I especially like the holiday 2009

Cheryl said...

My favorite is the Valentine class. Those monkeys are the absolute cutest!!!!

Designs_By_Donna said...

Your work is amazing! I just love the Valentines 2010 class. Thank you for sharing..

Debbie Fisher (debbiedee) said...

Hi Kim, I love all your tutorials, but the mini milk carton carrier is on of my favorites.

Marla said...

I love your pets class! These little kitties are so cute! Everything you make is very creative! Thank you for your generous offer!

Andrea said...

I love punch art and my favourite is your loving lion. I think he is so cute. I've never won blog candy so it would be great to win. thanks

Anonymous said...

It's so hard to pick a favorite, because I love everything you do. You are so talented. So if I have to choose it would be the bear for all seasons. I'm in the process of making a calendar for a friend of mine using these bears. So that would be my pick!!

Thanks for all that you do!!

CarrieNixon said...

LOVE Bear for All Seasons!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's so hard to pick a favorite. I love punch art and check your blog every day. I really loved the pop-up Santa card but you've inspired me to make many cards.

Laurie said...

I just Love, Love, Love the valentine collecion. Your talent is exceptional. Thank you for sharing.

okienurse said...

Wow! It is hard to choose just one. I think the one I have had fun with is the reindeer ornament box. That was fun seeing peoples faces when you gave them their gift.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on reachig this milestone. Your work is truly inspirational and your generosity in sharing free tutorials as well as paid punch class ideas is fantastic. To chose just one is hard as each new one i see i love - at the minute it's the loving lion, many thanks Diana

Ann G. said...

There are only 500 subscribers - which rock is everyone else hiding under - your blog is brilliant, wouldn't miss a post! I know the receipients all loved the reindeer tutorial so maybe that one.....

Karla said...

I would have to say that the Christmas classes were my favorite so far. Only because I've been so busy since then because of a wedding in the family that I haven't had time to try any of your new ones.

Anonymous said...

Hi I have purchased two of punch bundles I love the pets.I also love your blog.I can understand why you have 500 people sub to your updates.
Jocelan P

Pat Carr said...

Kim, you are are truly inspirational with your punch art! I have purchased all of your classes and use your freebies often. It is impossible to pick a favourite as I love them all. We are all trly blessed that you are so willing to share!
Pat Carr

Alice said...

I just love them all!! I have to check if I can buy these punches in te Netherlands so I can order your classes!
love from the Netherlands!

Jean Fitch from jlfstudio said...

Congratulations on the subscription milestone. As a recent subscriber/follower I count myself lucky to see all this wonderful inspiration hitting my inbox. I'm sure the count will continue to skyrocket.

Pick a favorite??? Is there an all of the above category? Okay since they aren't my kids I can safely say that so far of all I've seen the Loving Lion really grabs me. Of course the Bears and the fairytales are pretty cute too from what I've seen. And from the links I've shared with others the mini milk carton carrier is also really popular!

Thanks for sharing the goodies!

Hugs and blessings - Jean

PeeJay said...

I love the Mousy Mouse. He's just sooooo cute but all of the classes are wonderful and very inspiring.

stampinvixen said...

Kim I have not received any of your punch classes as of yet they are in cyber space as we speak, but even if did have them in hand,it would be hard to do.But I guess if iI have to choose,I really like the snippets of your pets punch class.

you are awesome!
Neena Johnson
Lawndale California

Rachael Knight said...

I've only just recently stumbled across your site and I'm very impressed. To make me pick one favourite is really hard! I haven't purchased any of your classes yet, but once I'm done with a few things and have time, I think my first pick will be the pets one. And I love your Loving Lion easel card, that is so stunning. Oh and I'm off to try that Valentine's Heart you've posted up, right now. What a neat idea!

Sherry Yeager said...

I love the Magicial Creatures. My granddaughters always tells me they are Princesses.

Pattie Sykes said...

I love the Woodland Creatures Class. Love your stuff. Was totally blown away by your Christmas Reindeer and CASE'd it on a couple of sweet treat cup cards for my "young" Christmas card recipients.

Thanks for sharing your talent.

Deanie said...

I love the reindeer ornament project that you did for last year and I am making the reindeer for my Christmas cards 2010 this year --trying to get a jump ahead of things....Thanks so much for sharing with us all!!

DebbieKissel said...

I adore your attention to detail. I have made several of your ideas-- baby Jesus was one of my favorites. I enjoyed the time crafting and knowing I could send a sweet message for Christmas.
I check in on you EVERY day! Keep up the fantastic work!

Rhonda Miller said...

Wow, thanks for a chance to win some candy. My favorite tutorial is the reindeer ornament gift box. Soo cute.

Theresa said...

I am a new subscriber to your blog but like everything I have seen so far. I really like the pop up Santa.
Thank you for the chance to win great blog candy.

Theresa in Kitimat

debz917 said...

I have to say I think my favorite would be the pop up santa.

Jana Weaver said...

I love the mini milk carton carrier instructions - that is just adorable!! Thanks for sharing your fabulous creations with us all!

Christine said...

I have them all and love them all but if I had to narrow it down I would have to say the woodland creatures...
Too cute..
Keep up the good work!

Nicky said...

Hi I love the Christmas mouse the most, I made him often, so cute, thanks for sharing

Nicole said...

I have to pick just one??? *L* I would have to say the fairytale magic is my favorite! You do an amazing job creating these.

Anonymous said...

Hello, I just recently found your blog and love all your wonderful creations - I am amazed at all the projects you come up with. I think the detailing you do with the faces if my favorite - I would have never thought of using the tear drop punch for eyes. Thank you for sharing. I look forward to seeing what you come up with next!

Janet Dodge

Nana2boys said...

I just recently found your site and love all that I've seen. I think my first purchase will be the fairy land
set. Having four grandsons, I feel I will be using that set a lot.

Nana2boys said...

I recently found your site. I love the fairytale magic and it will be my first purchase. With four boys, I know I will be using it alot.

Anonymous said...

Love all your punch ideas! Do you
ever sleep?? I guess my favorite
would be the reindeer box. He is
so cute and so useful. Hope to do
some next year!! Thanks for sharing
with all of us.


Hi, I'm Lee Conrey! said...

I really have to pick from all these adorable creatures....well I guess the Fairy Tale have created a mystical, magical wonderland.
Thank You!

Jacqui said...

I think the Lion - he is so cute. I am now subscribed. I have visited the site often, but some how missed the subscribe button - but I found it today!

Susan said...

they all hold a special place, but the '09 Hoiday is theeee best, hope I win!!

loyaz said...

Congratulations. They are all great but I always like Valentines....
Thanks for this opportunity

Wendy Hawkinson said...

I bought your holiday class and I LOVE THEM. They are all so cute. You did great!

~Wendy Hawkinson

Anonymous said...

Kim, I have all of your wonderful sets. They give me many hours of fun and reall help on scrapbook pages. My very favorite are A Bear For All Seasons. I have 8 grandbabies and the bears make birthday card making a blast. Thanks for all your hard work creating!
Happy Punching
Grannie Gracie8

Kimberly Johnson said...

Wooohooo for you and woohoo for me for being one of those 500+. :o) Congrats on your success. It is because of your willingness to share that you are successful. TY!

Krista Rill said...

I love the turtles on the valentine cards 2010. I still get amazed at how much you/we can actually do with punches.

Thanks for sharing

Krista Rill

Carri said...

I love all the punch sets, and have already bought two to date. (I want them all) To choose a favorite is not an easy task because you are so very talented and I love them all. Thank you too for a chance at blog candy and thanks for all your great tutorials. Keep creating and I look forward to more great sets.

Nancy Dawson said...

All your creations are super and really inspirational. I hv purchased several packets and love them all especially the woodland creatures! Keep 'em coming... and thank you for sharing your talent and for a chance to win blog candy. Congrats on your 500! Nancy

Elane said...

Can you choose just one. I love your animals so let's say that one. Thank you for sharing your creative genius with all of us

Anonymous said...

love your ideas... thanks for sharing

Jacqui said...

Lovey Lion is so adorable! Definitely my favorite! I can't wait to try him for my Son's Birthday card!

megsmome said...

It's a toss up between the pets and the holidays 2009! I love both. Congragulations!

Debby said...

Congrats Kim, don't surprise me though as your work is always so awesome. My favorite would be the lion I think, I love his look so much. But, all your creations are fantastic.
Angel hugs

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim - you have wonderful punch tutorials. Your directions are so well written people do not have guess at what you mean. The directions will lead to a finished product. I loved the Nativity family tutorial!

Judy Jackson

judstamper at verizon dot net

Anonymous said...

Kim - that should have said judystamper at verizon dot net

Carolyn Sharkas said...

Congrats again! I don't see my comment, so I will comment again. I love the new little loving lion, but all of them are awesome. thanks so much for all you do.

carolyn s
ceashark at aol dot com

Bonnie S said...

I tried this last night, so maybe I am one of the ones that got deleted. Hope it isn't too late now. I did just sign up to follow your blog. All of your creations are so cute that choosing is really hard! But I think I like the mousy mouse and the loving lion the best. So cute!
Bonnie S
stampin-ak at gci dot net

Anonymous said...

i like everything you do...but my all time fave thus far has to be a bear for all seasons. Great candy. thanks for the chance to win.


Sue Root said...

Hi! I don't know if it's too late to enter for the blog candy, but congratulations on 500+ subscribers. That's awesome. After seeing your site I can see why. Hard to pick a fave, but since you asked us to, I guess I'd say the Pop Up Santa. So cute!

Nana Jo said...

I am a lover of clipart and yours is fantastic.

Nana Jo

Anonymous said...

I just found you and will be subscribing today. I love the Bliss heart candy holder. Simple but so cute! I will have to search for some St. Patrick's Day ideas so I can get an early start. Blog candy too? Wow!
kren (kurtskd at yahoo dot com)


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